PD9 Portable Air Operated Wire Stripper
- Clamp handle will not contact wire
- Readjust clamping assembly adjustment screw (reference the Set-Up section).
- Check to insure the motor trigger (item 21) is not preventing full handle actuation.
- Check to insure that wheels (item 20) have not been worn beyond contact point with wire.
- Check to insure clamping pad (item 6) is properly secured with the clamping pad screws (item 16).
- Motor does not run
- Check to insure that air supply is adequate, at 90 PSI @ 32CFM.
- Check to insure that the motor trigger (item 21) is being depressed by handle actuation.
- Check the motor speed adjustment screw (item 17) to insure that it is allowing enough air into the unit to run properly. To open the motor speed screw, turn it counterclockwise until the motor runs at a proper speed.
! CAUTION: THE PD9 MOTOR SPEED SHOULD NEVER EXCEED 15,000 RPM. - Check the clamp pressure, as too much pressure on the wheels will stall the motor.
- Machine breaks wire
- Check that the wire is not being clamped too tightly.
- Insure that the wire is being pulled straight out during stripping without causing undue stress.
- Try a less coarse stripping wheel.
- Wire does not strip
- Check that there is sufficient clamping pressure on the wire.
- Check that the wheels are not worn beyond contact point with the wire.
- Check the grade of wheel and use a more coarse wheel if necessary
- Resources
- PD9 Product Page
- Download Operating Manual
- Technical Documentation: D1, DV1, D9 and PD9 Wheel Strippers